This recipe originally comes from the National Center for Home Preservation and says that the zucchini can be cubed or shredded. I'm going to try to make Debbie Vaughn's Banana Pineapple bread from the recipe on my FB page.
- 4 qts cubed or shredded zucchini (16 cups)
- 46 oz canned unsweetened pineapple juice
- 1½ cups bottled lemon juice
- 3 cups sugar
Preparation: Prepare 8-9 pint jars, lids, and rings. Sterilize the jars and keep them in the hot water till it’s time for processing. Make sure to fill your water bath canner and get the water to a simmer. Peel zucchini and either cut into ½-inch cubes or shred.
Cooking: In a large stainless steel or enameled dutch oven combine all the ingredients. Bring to a boil gently, stirring often, then reduce to a simmer for 20. Remove from heat.
Filling the jars: On a dishtowel place your hot jars and using your funnel in each jar fill leaving 1/2” headspace. Remove air bubbles and refill to the proper headspace if necessary. Taking a clean papertowel wet it with warm water and wipe the rims of the jars removing any food particles that would interfere with a good seal. Using your magic wand extract the lids from the hot water and place them on the now cleaned rims. Add your rings to the tops of each of the jars and turn to seal just "finger tight".
Sealing: Sometime in the next hour your jars will be making a "pinging" or "popping" noise. That is the glass cooling and the reaction of the lids being sucked into the jar for proper sealing. Some recipes may take overnight to seal. Check your lids and reprocess any jars that did not seal.
Labeling: Make sure to label your jars after they have cooled with the name of the recipe and the date canned. If you want to use the shrink labels in the picture you can order them Here!