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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Persimmons - Fuyu and Hachiya!

Honey-Spiced Fuyu Persimmons

8 lbs of Fuyu Persimmons or peaches
1 cup sugar
4 cups water
2 cups honey
1-1/2 tsp whole allspice
3/4 tsp whole cloves
3 sticks cinnamon
Lemon juice

Preparation - Wash peel and pit persimmons. Cut into slices. Prepare 6 wide mouth pint jars for sterilizing by boiling them for 10 minutes in a water bath canner.  
Shows how you stack them in the jars!
Hachiya pulp in the background! 

Cooking - Combine sugar, water and honey. Cook until sugar dissolves.  

Filling - Using your funnel fill the bottom of a hot jar, add 2 whole allspice, 1 whole clove, and part of a cinnamon stick. Remove funnel and add persimmons to hot jar and add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Add the hot sugar liquid filling the jars to 1/2" headspace.  Remove the air bubbles with the rubber or plastic spatula and refill to the proper headspace if necessary.

Processing: Wipe the rims and place the hot lid/rings on the jars. Process in a water bath canner for 20 minutes at a full rolling boil. (Adjust for altitude) Wait 5 minutes, remove and place on dishtowel overnight undisturbed. The next day remove rings and clean jars and label with recipe name and date. Store in a cool, dry, and dark place.   

Persimmon Marmalade - Hachiya Persimmon pulp

2 quarts ripe persimmon pulp 
3/4 cup honey
3/4 cup orange juice
Grated rind of 1 orange

Persimmon pulp from my mushy persimmons
Preparation - Slice mushy persimmons and with a spoon extract the pulp. Grate the orange being careful to not get too much of the white pith as it will be bitter.  Prepare 5-7 half pint jars for sterilizing by boiling them for 10 minutes in a water bath canner.  
Pulp complete!

Cooking - Combine persimmon pulp with all the ingredients in a stainless steel or enameled dutch oven and cook on medium for 25 minutes. The mixture will get thicker as it cooks down.  (Note: because persimmon is a high pectin fruit it will cool more solid than it is when it's hot. Also I did not blend my persimmon since I wanted it a little chunky) Check the flavor and if your mixture is not sweet enough you can add more honey or white sugar. Because you are not using pectin you can vary the sweetness. If you add more sugar continue to cook for 15 minutes more, stirring occasionally. 

Filling - Using your funnel fill the hot jars to 1/4" headspace.  Remove the air bubbles with the rubber or plastic spatula and refill to the proper headspace if necessary.

Processing: Wipe the rims and place the hot lid/rings on the jars. Process in a water bath canner for 10 minutes at a full rolling boil. (Adjust for altitude) Wait 5 minutes, remove and place on dishtowel overnight undisturbed. The next day remove rings and clean jars and label with recipe name and date. Store in a cool, dry, and dark place.   
Pulp turned a darker color because
of the honey I used.
If you want to retain the bright color
you will need to use only white sugar.